Thinking on that later, it occurred to me that maybe dying is the same way, except for the pain we generally associate with dying. The point being, one second you are there and the next second, or maybe ten thousand years later, you awake in God’s recovery room, having no clue as to what happened in between. Only in the earthly recovery room, what a misnomer that is, you don’t really recover, you just begin the perhaps long, or maybe short, road to recovery. In God’s recovery room though, if you were and are a Christian, you are instantly recovered for eternity and in the presence of Christ. Could be that’s what it is like, at least that’s the theory I’m going with.
On the other hand, if you weren’t and aren’t a Christian, God’s recovery room is going to be a place of non-recovery, for eternity. You assign whatever label you want to it, but it isn’t going to be pleasant.